Eight years ago, I no longer wanted the life I’d built.


I was climbing the ladder of success as a marketing director and overfunctioning in both my professional and personal life. My husband was traveling domestically and overseas every month. Our children were involved in multiple activities and my son had just received an ADHD diagnosis. Then I found out I was pregnant with our fourth child, and there was simply no room for her in the ways we’d overfilled our lives. No room.

And so we began unraveling busy one activity and commitment at a time. It was painful. I set new boundaries around schedules and relationships, and started disappointing a lot of people but not my people. And not myself. Over time, I began exploring hobbies and interests I’d shelved for years. I rested, a true act of resistance in an outcome-driven society. I slowly recognized the feeling of peace. And other people began to recognize it in me, too. They asked me how I remade my life so I wrote about it on my blog, and shared my story with small and larger audiences. And it grew, the curiosity. Women began to tell me that “no one is talking about this.”


BASED at the foot of the blue ridge mountains in Charlottesville, Virginia


hi there,

Women's life coach and retreat host Molly Crouch sits on desk in Virginia office

i’m molly




And so in 2020, with a belief that change is possible for women in all stages, but especially in the middle third of life, I pursued a coaching certification from Erickson International. In 2024, I received a certificate of completion in Narrative Focused Trauma Care from The Allender Center at The Seattle School where I learned to hold others’ stories with dignity and care.

A few years ago, a dear friend and I began to dream about what it could look like to gather women together and let them know they are deeply seen and supported—a seasonal women’s retreat was born. Now in our third year of hosting, dozens of women have attended TONIC + Bloom retreats and events, held at Glentivar Farm in Greenwood, Virginia.


Lived experience and professional experience. A gift of listening and holding story well. A gentle approach that doesn’t force change, but invites it. It’s what sets me apart from other coaches and why I believe so deeply in what’s possible for us in relationship.


Who are we over time?

You’re right on that growth edge.
Can you risk? Can you choose?

It’s all changing.

Our bodies are changing. Our relationships are changing. Our identities and roles are changing in our work and in our homes. We celebrate some changes, and grieve others. A marriage ends. A child starts kindergarten. We begin a new career. Our parents get older and require care. We relocate.

How we move through change is informed by our values, what matters most to us. You’ve probably been told to get into action—work the 5-step plan, set a goal, buy the masterclass—but you are constantly frustrated because you don’t reach the finish line. This is a bottom up approach, it’s sold by a LOT of coaches out there, and it’s ineffective.

My coaching philosophy is based on the Logical Levels of Learning and Change from anthropologist Gregory Bateson. We begin our coaching relationship at 30,000 feet, addressing vision, identity, beliefs and core values, and allow those to guide and inform how we move through change to experience the world. We spend time in inquiry, discovery and reflection before moving to action. And then we focus back in to get really granular and practical so you can attain sustained results.

We reserve judgment and choose curiosity and self-compassion instead. And we believe that nothing is wasted.


things that bring me delight

Coffee and pastry in Central Virginia life coach office

Pour-Over Coffee

Historical building in Maine community

Mid-Coast Maine

Pencils on life coach's desk in central VA office

Sharp Ticonderoga Pencils

Life coach Molly holding delightful flowers in Charlottesville VA field

Spiritual Direction

Green cliffs in coastal community

That Just-Right Green

Blue Ridge mountain sunrise in central Virginia

Morning Walks

Cranes sitting among Blue Ridge scenery

Wild Beauty

Laurel Denise planner sitting on life coach Molly Crouch's desk in Charlottesville

My Laurel Denise Planner

Life coach and retreat host Molly Crouch and family

My People

Cake decorated with flowers and berries in Charlottesville kitchen

Baking Cakes



The What Matters Exercise

A New Way to Plan for the Week Ahead

Here’s the truth: to-do lists don’t work, at least not in the way we intend them to function. The reason is that lists aren’t weighted - they’re just a big brain dump on paper, and while you may get many daily to-do’s checked off, it’s often unclear whether they were the best use of your time.

Enter a new way to plan for your week that is weighted and measured: the What Matters Exercise.


The truth is that one day away isn’t going to solve your problems. It’s not going to magically eliminate  the commitments on your calendar or make that tricky relationship easier. What it will do, what we’ve seen it do for so many of our retreat guests is offer breathing room. For clarity. For creativity. For belly laughs. For gathering around a table with no time table. For naps. For light living.


With over 80 hours of coursework from Erickson International, I am a certified coach helping women in both individual and group settings answer the questions: Who am I becoming over time? and What does the second half of life hold for me?  It is my lived and professional experience that the answer to those questions are deeply embodied.


on the blog

Ready to start your journey towards self-inquiry and discovery? Check out these resources to help you get started.