Do What's In Front of You

A few days ago, an acquaintance offhandedly asked how things were going. "Well, my brain feels like it's swimming in information overload," I replied. I don't think that was the answer she was expecting.

Moving homes is a serious endeavor whether you're going 2 miles or 2,000. As if packing your entire existence into boxes weren't enough, consider postal and utility changes, filling out paperwork and scheduling tours for your children's impending school switch, giving away furniture, donating and tossing clutter, conducting home repairs, hiring movers, organizing taxes, securing homeowner's insurance, enrolling in preschool (yep, it's that time of year), considering design choices for the new home, and on and on and on.

Yesterday, I walked into Anthropologie to look at wallpaper selection, and was greeted by a gorgeous navy blue velvet Chesterfield sofa that was a whopping 50% off. In fact all the floor models were half off, and I was instantly beckoned. Could I make the sofa work in my front room (the one that has yet to determine its purpose)? Should I design a room around this particular piece? How quickly would the kids spill chocolate sauce or a future dog shed long golden hair all over it?

But the price was SO GOOD.

I stopped. I took a breath.

Do what's right in front of you, Molly. You are here for wallpaper for an office. You are not here for a sofa, no matter how good the price.

Doing what's in front of you to do might be my February mantra, and it might be a newly adopted life perspective.

Overwhelmed? Feeling upside down? Swimming in logistics, work projects, job changes, school disciplinary issues, due-now bills, or relationship complications?

Focus on the thing in front of you to do. Don't cast your vision out too far—even mere days from now could be too much in the moment. What must be done today? Right now? Point and call. And then do the thing. Complete the task as fully as can be accomplished.

Then tackle the next and the one after that.

I'm for sure gonna miss out on the velvet Chesterfield by the time I get around to really thinking about my front room. But for now, I'm focusing on our linen closet clean out, the plumber's appointment this week to fix a few line items, and returning my preschool contract with deposit before the deadline.

I'll find a great couch just like you'll tackle that thing you've been thinking about. But first we gotta do what's in front of us.


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